FFXIV: Personal Estate & Valentione’s Day
Yesterday, FFXIV launched the newest Valentione’s event, where players go about helping sort through troubled NPCs’ love life. If only it was that easy IRL. The quests weren’t very hard – you just use the hints NPCs give to find their wandering romantic interest, who does not have a quest marker over their head. Of course, the answers to the quests are already up on Reddit, but I don’t mind. I scored my chocobo barding and that’s what counts.
Zuri also earned her last major piece of large ilvl 100 armor last night. All she has left are the accessories. Then I can focus on upgrading to ilvl 110 and getting Tai up to date as well.

I also finally made the leap and purchased my own personal estate for Zuri. I still don’t agree with the way personal housing works in FFXIV, as I wrote before, but I’ve been saving all my gil since last summer anyhow.
There are only a few “affordable” small lots left on our server – affordable being over 2 million gil for the lot alone. These are all located in The Goblet, which most people seem to consider the least appealing housing district due to its aesthetics. It’s not lush forest like Gridania or sea coast like Limsa.
I’d have rather a Mist home myself because I don’t have a cheap port to that town, and it’s always so expensive to go there for quests or hunts. However, there’s simply no housing to choose there, and I decided to check out what The Goblet offered last night. I was surprised to find a few small lots left (not a whole lot, though), so I started shopping around the different options and locations.

Eventually, I settled on plot 59, which was the cheapest lot available. It’s right around the corner from a market board, bell and aetheryte, so it’s in a good spot. It also is right on the edge of the housing development, overlooking misty mountains and a lovely skyline. I chose the neighborhood that actually had a guild taking up residence in the large lot next to mine, so there’s still the feel of other people near, but also a lot of privacy.
I spent a good bit of time learning about setting up my new house, applying paint, changing the style, and placing some basic furniture. I don’t have a lot of decor (and the house feels so large!) because I used most of what I’ve gathered to decorate my personal FC house room. I do have some ideas, and I’m looking forward to decorating, gardening and owning my own home… once I make some money back to afford decorating. Here’s to hoping they continue to expand the features of housing (we need storage badly). They did give us outdoor retainers with this last patch, which allows us to sell right from our yard, but I doubt anyone will take the time to run to the corner of the world to purchase anything from me. XD
Estate Gallery