FFXIV: The Au’Ra Cactuar Conversion
I kept meaning to change my Cactuar Kitty (Aywren) to an Au’Ra, and after spending way too much time trying tons of styles, finally settled on this appearance.
I also decided to start leveling a different class. I’d leveled Archer up to 24 before I paused playing her a while back, but after all the disgruntlement with Bards in Heavensward, and the fact I already have one Bard on Zuri, I decided to level Lancer instead. Yeah, I do have a level 58 Dragoon already, but looking at all the other melee classes, most of them require Dragoon level 34 to get Blood for Blood as a cross class skill… so I may as well just go Lancer in the end. Plus I’m really enjoying playing Dragoon at end game, so I may as well do something I know I like. I may branch out later and try Monk or re-level Ninja.
I was very curious about the new leveling curve and seeing how the low-level end of the game plays with the buff to the Armoury bonus. I flew through the first few levels (thanks to food and rested experience), picking up to level 8 with Lancer and 4 on Conjurer (mostly for the heal).
Looking forward to seeing more blogging folks as I’m going to try to dedicate some time to this character. I really like the race’s aesthetics!