FFXIV Heavensward: Level 60 and Beyond
Last night Zeb and Tai finally got around to running The Great Gubal Library dungeon, which is the last of the pre-level-60 dungeons in Heavensward. I hear this is often a dungeon people farm for gear and use to level from 59 to 60.
Overall, the mechanics were pretty easy. But then again, I haven’t really felt any of the Heavensward dungeons were that hard so far. Some had annoying elements to them, but not really difficult.
It’s a good thing this dungeon was forgiving because the duty finder group we were assigned to was made up of a drunk tank and a bard with a broken keyboard. I’m not exaggerating – I almost solo DPSed the first boss (until we wiped) before the bard finally dismantled some of the keys and got it to be somewhat responsive.
Interesting times, but we made it through.

Shortly after, upon turning in the quest that led us to the library, Tai hit level 60.
As noted before, I’m not much of a fan of dungeon running, so I avoid it when all possible. So, I leveled mostly through doing daily hunts and completing every single quest I ran across. The good of this is that I didn’t really grind anything to get there. The bad of this is I have no idea how I’m going to level another class to 60 unless Square Enix significantly buffs FATES or does something to make it more enjoyable to players like me.
I’m already going to have to hit up the roulettes for the Law grind, which I’m not looking forward to. On the up side, Tai has saved up 400 Centurio seals from doing level 1 and 2 hunts alone. Now, if only the game would let me spend them before I hit the seal cap!

We didn’t get much further than that in the story last night because real life came calling. However, I did switch to Marauder for a bit and started Operation Clean Up Old Quests. I’ve pretty much skipped most quests while leveling Tai’s classes, and so I still have this rash of icons all over the main cities everywhere I look. I can never tell what is a relevant quest and what is a level 1 quest…

So, since I want to level Marauder anyhow, I decided to put what little bit of experience I get from those quests to some use. I spent a little time cleaning up quests in Gridania and Central Shroud last night. Didn’t take much time to do since I knew them all pretty well from other characters. I’m feeling much better to have a cleaner map, and eventually will get to quests that give relevant experience to this class in time.