FFXIV: Of Eso Runs and When I Get Snarky (Defending My Healer)
Tai got his second piece of Eso armor last night – the gloves! But rather than just post lovely pictures of how his dragoon set is coming along, I will tell you a little story. This is the story of a Black Mage who ran Fractal with us last night.
Last night I was in one of my “get it done” moods. I wanted to hit the EX run, get my Eso and pick up my armor piece. No muss. No fuss. I even said to Syn, “I hope this is a painless run.”
Rolled Fractal in Duty Finder. First strike.
So we get a Paladin tank, a Black Mage DPS, Syn’s Zeb is our healer and I’m the Dragoon. We get in and exchange the normal politeness. The mage doesn’t respond.

K, fine. Let’s go.
No one is new to this run. The mage even has Alex gear and all, so he should be familiar enough with this dungeon. We get to the first boss, the Phantom Ray, and that’s where the trouble begins.
This boss does a double cone, room-wide AOE attack on either side of him. Then he flips it and does it the other direction. So you have to dodge one way, then the other, in pretty short succession. It looks like this:

Our mage friend not only stood in the AOE for the first blast (took his life down to less than half), but when he did try to make an effort to move, he moved INTO the second cone, and it was an insta kill for him.
Oops. Okay. Everyone has an off day.
So, Syn rezzes him, and it takes him a long time to accept the rez and get back into the fight. Syn then has to focus on the keeping the tank up due to big tank-busting attacks. She tossed the mage a few heals and what happens?
Before she can heal him up, he stands in the AOE cones again, and dies a second time. At this point, I’ve already used the limit break on the boss, we have him down to less than half, and I’m wondering what in the world he’s doing back there.
Again, Syn throws him a rez. This time, the guy doesn’t accept it and warps back to the start of the dungeon!

This means he’s locked out of the rest of the fight, and it’s on us to either finish it as 3 people or wipe. I have an itchy feeling he though we’d wipe without him or something, but I wasn’t gonna let that happen, and we finished it off.
The first thing he did was start complaining, and instantly blamed his grief on the healer.

The tank did stick up for Syn, but at that point I was like…

Syn tried to nicely explain, but I straight up let him know that I’d watched him die twice to his own errors. Blaming the healer isn’t cool.

Fine, if you’re lagging, then that’s one thing. Say, “Oh, shoot. I didn’t see the AOEs due to lag. That’s what killed me.”
Don’t rag on the healer. I’m not having it, especially when the healer is my best friend. |:<
We continued on our way, and he couldn’t let it go, treating Syn like she has no idea how healing works. Again, the tank defended Syn.

At this point I’m like:

I thought standing in the red circles was a Dragoon passtime. At least if I die to my own mistakes, I don’t whine at the healer after leaving my party to finish off a boss down one DPS.
I was feeling snarky, so I gave him some sage advice.

Then we went through the rest of the dungeon without another word until the end. Somehow we did beat the last boss without any incident.
And Syn got a commendation. 🙂
Oh, and later, we looked this player up on the Lodestone. They have a single level 60 class – Black Mage – most other classes are unleved. Not a single level in any healing class.
Here is a song tribute for our Black Mage friend.