Dreams of Future Technology and White Mice
I think it was Ysharros’ posts about caring for baby mice that must have subconsciously leaked into my dreams. There’s no other explanation for dreaming about mice that I know of.
You can think me odd, but I’m a huge lover of rodent pets – I’ve owned fancy mice and rats as pets since childhood, though I don’t have any right now. Rats are some of the best little pets I’ve ever had (no disrespect to my current cat, who is awesome), and I guess sometimes I really miss owning them.
So I had an odd and super-realistic dream last night that I decided to write about. I dreamed that someone developed a super futuristic tablet. But instead of having something like Siri or Google built into it as an assistant, it used free-moving, hyper-realistic holograms that you could command by voice.
There were different styles of holograms, if I remember, and they came with a docking station that was designed as a little house. Like, there was a tiny dragon hologram, and it had a little dragon cave.
Well, there was a white mouse hologram, and I fell in love with it. In my dream, this little thing actually scampered into my hand and up on my shoulder (like pet rats will). And I marveled because in my dream, I could actually feel the little feet and the slight weight of the creature. It moved and acted just like a living mouse. When I touched it, it was like touching fur. Everything about it was like the real thing, except I knew it was a technology-created illusion.
I wanted one so badly, and the dream actually was leading me to go and buy this tablet, just to have this illusionary pet. Yeah, I’m weird.
I thought in a dream, you’re not supposed to feel the sensation of touch, though? It was odd, because I could totally feel it.
Having a tiny dragon hologram at your beck and call would be awesome, too. 😀