August Goals in Review
This post is a part of Blaugust 2016!
Another month has come and gone and Blaugust is almost over with! How did I do on my goals for this month?
Well, I accomplished my Blaugust goal, which was to post every weekday. I won’t say this was always easy, but I did get it done. I’ll probably be a bit more lax next month, though, unless gaming really starts to pick up!
My console and Pokemon goals were left in the dust as I really put a lot more time into FFXIV this month. Some of this was helping other people level. Some of it was playing major catchup with Zuri as I finally made the choice to play her exclusively at this time.
Here’s how it went this time around:
- Play some!
Pokemon X
- Earn the next gym badge
Nope. Didn’t touch this game this month. Need to try to do two gym badges next month if possible!
FFXIV End Game Stuff
- Work on 3rd tier of Bard Relic ✓
- Get the PotD Bow ✓
- Get the PotD Spear
- Level Machinist ✓ (Ding 60!)
- Finish gearing up Bard ✓ (100% Complete!)
- Start gearing up Dragoon ✓
- Clear up to Alex 8 on Zuri ✓
- Unlock Level 60 Roulette on Zuri
Let’s see. I got a LOT of this done this month. Not only did I complete leveling Machinist, but I finished gearing up Bard and completed the 3rd step of Relic (thanks to the nerf). I also completed all of Alex on Zuri.
I did start gearing up my Dragoon, but will probably hold off on the rest of it for the Lore nerf in a month. I didn’t get the PotD spear for Dragoon (I’m sitting at 24/23 gear in the Deep Dungeon), but I did start to work on Relic for Dragoon instead. I’m not sure if I’ll decide to still get that spear for Dragoon or switch to a different class.
I didn’t unlock Level 60 Roulette, but I’m real close! All I have to do is finish a run of Pharos Sirius HM.
FFXIV Leveling
- Level Gladiator to 30 ✓
- Clean up old quests ✓
Yep, got this done. I now have all jobs to at least level 30 on Zuri! I also cleaned up all of my outstanding job quests, which feels good.
FFXIV Random
- Earn some Yo-kai Weapons ✓
I finished up my White Mage Yo-Kai weapon as well as the Ninja. Not sure if I want to get more at this point, though.
Overall, looking good for August! On to September!