FFXIV: Stormblood Battle System Changes from Live Letter XXXVI
Have you ever gone to write a post about something and realize that the topic is just so massive that there’s no easy way to break it down? That’s how I feel about digesting all the battle system changes the FFXVI team shared in the newest Live Letter.
I wanted to write something more in-depth about it, but honestly, I’m sick with a cold that started last night, and not feeling completely up to par with tackling what would be something huge even if I was feeling well. I’ll say that overall, I feel positive about what I’m seeing.
If you want the Live Letter in its entirety, it might be easier to jump to the information consolidated on this Reddit Megathread.
So, here’s some takeaways my cold-muddled mind has from all this:
- I’m happy about the job-based skill changes.
- I’m good with all the attribute changes.
- I like consolidating skills into one button that changes in function depending on your level of content (ex. Stone, Stone II, Stone III, Stone IV).
- I’m not sure how I feel about the new job gauges. I understand what they’re trying to do with them, but some of them feel overly complicated (like Black Mage). I won’t know until I actually play the jobs, though.
- Dragoon is one of the jobs that I’m iffy about the gauge thing.
- I do like that the job gauges seem to make the classes more varied.
- Red Mage still has me interested, and the gauge thing seems not too overly complex for that job.
- I’m more impressed by Samurai than I expected to be. It looks fun.
- I’m SO HAPPY about the changes to Bard and Machnist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO MORE BOWMAGE! That was all I ever wanted from them in Heavensward.
- I was also interested by the song job gauge the Bard was using, though I don’t understand what it all means.
- This is going to make choosing a main job hard.
- I’m interested and positive about changes to Healers. I really disliked stance dancing into Cleric Stance to do damage. It was a level of stress that drove me away from the Healer role… I may revisit White Mage now.
- I’m happy about the buffs Paladins are getting since it remains my tank of choice.
- I’m okay with the level and story jumping potions.
- I’m sad I can’t get a leveling potion for Red Mage, because that’s the only job I’d have a use for that on (would love to play Stormblood story through on Red Mage, but doesn’t look like that’s happening).
- Though I don’t play Summoner, I’m happy they get a Bahamut summon. 🙂
I’m sure there are other things, but that’s all I can muster for right now.