August 2017 Archives

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
Posted on August 31
Add this to the list of “games I never expected to play,” right up there along with Splatoon.

FFXIV Anniversaries – A Look Back in Time
Posted on August 28
I wasn’t going to belabor the FFXIV Anniversary event, but I got curious and started looking back through old blog posts today. Come to find out, I have actually blogged every The Rising event for the past 4 years, which is pretty crazy. I certainly didn’t expect to still be playing the same MMO after all these years!

FFXIV: The Rising 2017 – A Nostalgic Trip
Posted on August 28
You can probably tell by the topics I’ve been blogging that I’ve been taking it easy in Eorzea since finishing Stormblood. I’ve made peace with the thoughts that there’s really no reason to spend my time repeating Expert Roulette for tomes for gear that I’m going to be quickly replacing or earning the equivalent of next patch.

FFXIV: Preferred World Free Time
Posted on August 26
A little over a month ago, I wrote how some friends and I started new alts on our server, Midgardsormr, in order to take advantage of the Preferred World status. If you reach level 30 on a new character on a Preferred World, you get 15 free days of playing time.

No Man’s Sky: One Year Later Review
Posted on August 25
Back when No Man’s Sky launched a year ago, I wrote a post about my first impressions of the game. There were things I liked and things I didn’t like. I even wrote up a list of suggestions that would make the game better.

No Man’s Sky: Space Adventure Continues
Posted on August 24
I’ve been in the mood for chill gaming lately, so I keep coming back to play No Man’s Sky. Thankfully, as of my last post, I did find a graphics settings tweak that fixed the blurry texture issues I was having. I can’t run the game on Ultra due to settings restraints, but at least it’s a whole lot better to look at than it was.

After the Eclipse & FFXIV Moonfire Faire
Posted on August 23
I’m just getting back into the swing of things after taking a few days off from life for a mini-vacation on the coast to view the solar eclipse earlier this week. It was an extremely cool thing to see in totality, and worth every mile we drove, even in backed-up traffic.

Solar Eclipse Party
Posted on August 18
Monday, the path of the solar eclipse is going to move through my state, pretty close to where I live. Syn is coming to visit in order to view it, and we’re going to have a (hopefully) chill and geek-full time.

7D2D: Base Beautification – Fun with Painting
Posted on August 17
So, in between schedules and work trips, our Posse has been able to continue making progress on out longest running 7D2D game in a while. Last time, I talked about how as time passes, we started seeing more dangerous, glowing zombies in hordes.

No Man’s Sky: 1.3 Atlas Rises Patch
Posted on August 16
So while I’ve been talking a lot about GW2 this week, the truth is, over the weekend I mostly played No Man’s Sky’s newest 1.3 patch – Atlas Rises. This marks the game’s first year anniversary and it’s still on sale for $24 on Steam right now if any of this catches your interest.

GW2: Ranger Experiment Outcomes
Posted on August 15
First of all, thanks to everyone who stopped by and left suggestions, thoughts and feedback on possible Ranger builds I could look at! The response I got only reinforced the idea that there are so many different options to try, which is a heartening thing.

GW2: Ranger Experiment (And Preview Weekend Thoughts)
Posted on August 14
I had intended to write a post about the PoF Preview weekend, but then a fascinating GW2 discussion came up across the blogosphere. It started over at Endgame Viable where a group of us began discussing the difficulty of the story instance in the Preview Weekend. I’ll talk about that in a bit.

Splatoon: Splatted by Murf!
Posted on August 13
So, tonight I was just earning some gold in Splatoon for my new 18K shades in Turf Wars when I saw this pop up on my roster...

GW2: Further Progress
Posted on August 10
So, a number of things have been happening on the GW2 front. First, a huge patch was released this week, setting the stage for PoF, and sending out a bunch of balance tweaks to jobs. This included a nerf to Power Reaper, which happens to be the class/build I’ve been scraping by trying to use.

FFXIV: Moonfire Faire 2017
Posted on August 9
AKA: The Embarrass Zeb Post. 🙂

GW2: Trying to Give it Another Chance
Posted on August 8
After writing my previous post about PoF last week, I did a lot of thinking, reading and actually playing GW2. That’s right, for the first time in three years, I actually sat down and put some time into GW2. My overall feelings are mixed, but swaying more towards the positive side. This is gonna be long, so warning!

Splatoon 2: First Splatfest Experience
Posted on August 7
Last week, I picked up Splatoon 2 with some hesitation. I’m not a shooter player, and I started out being really, really bad at playing this game.

Splatoon 2: Ketchup Queen!
Posted on August 5
Whew! I didn’t actually think I was going to go all the way to max rank, but I did.

Splatoon 2: Getting Ready for Splatfest
Posted on August 4
I haven’t played Splatoon 2 in a few days, mostly because the beginning of this week was riddled with bad headaches for some reason. But I think I’ve shaken them just in time to participate in this weekend’s Splatfest (Ketchup FTW)!

7D2D: When Radioactive Zombies Attack
Posted on August 3
Over the past few weeks, the Posse has started a new game in 7D2D, since the stable version of the patch was released. We still faced some pretty game breaking issues, which pushed us to host from the dedicate server module rather that through Steam. But once Syn got all that set up, everything was running well again.

Thoughts on GW2: Path of Fire
Posted on August 2
It’s been a while since I’ve written about GW2. This is mostly because it’s been a long time since I’ve actually played the game.