FFXIV: Summer Excitement, Patch 4.36 Release!

While I’ve been caught up in the la-la land of Role Playing in FFXIV lately, other things are still going on in the game. Namely, Patch 4.36, which just released today, and the upcoming Moonfire Faire, which will launch next week.

The new patch brings a bunch of end game content including a new chapter in Eureka and the Monster Hunter cross-over event.

Again, I’ve had my head in the clouds with more creative stuff lately, so I’ve never really done much in Eureka, though I wish I had. I’m still hovering at a sad level 4… and I know the challenge logs are there to help with leveling, but I just haven’t made the effort to get in there and put the time to it. Heck, I’m lucky to even be doing my proper job quests now days! XD

I do want to dip my toe into the Monster Hunter cross-over event, but I don’t know when that’s going to happen. We’re still getting settled in on our new server, so I’ve really been preoccupied with all the things dealing with that moreso than the new content coming out. I guess I’ve officially become a scrub. Or, more scrubby than I used to be. XD

Aside from that, Moonfire Faire is actually pretty exciting to me this year. I like the rewards they’re offering and it’ll be interesting to be involved with a holiday on an RP server. There’s already a large beach event scheduled for one of the weekends that I may attend, and it’s always great to get more glamour incoming!

Pretty soon, we’ll also be seeing this year’s Anniversary event — The Rising. So there’s a LOT to look forward to over the later months of summer. 🙂
