August 2018 Archives

Blaugust2018 Tally & August Gaming Goals in Review
Posted on August 31
Yesterday, I wrote a farewell post to Blaugust a day early, noting that while I posted 18 posts here (including this one) on this blog, I did the majority of my writing on my creative RP Tumblr this month. I didn’t think that counted, but the comments I got said the contrary.

A Farewell to Blaugust (Almost)
Posted on August 30
I feel a tad bad that for as much as I wanted Blaugust to happen deep down, I really didn’t do all the participation that I would have liked to in the event. It felt like there were tons of great bloggers out there keeping things exciting, though, so hopefully no one noticed that I’ll be ending up this month with only 18 posts (once I write the next one).

FFXIV: Goddess of the Hand Achieved!
Posted on August 27
The end of last week was rather quite blogging-wise because I was caught up writing fiction and because all of the important things happening in FFXIV weren’t going to pan out until the weekend. That’s exactly what happened.

FFXIV: Tales from the Duty Finder: Dog Days
Posted on August 21
See that picture above? That is the image of the Cerberus boss in the World of Darkness raid enraging and devouring the entire alliance. This happens when the alliance does not do mechanics.

FFXIV: Mateus Housing Savage – Round 2!
Posted on August 20
You see that picture up there? That’s me standing next to a housing placard for nearly 3 hours, camping a housing plot that’s on a timer.

Blaugust Dev Appreciation Week: The Fun Pimps
Posted on August 17
I never thought I’d use the word “Pimp” in a title of a blog post, but there you are. I love this team and what they do, so I’m pimpin’ their name right now… (Oh… that was awful… I’ll see myself out.)

Blaugust Dev Appreciation Week: Thank You FFXIV Team
Posted on August 16
This week at Blaugust is Dev Appreciation Week. And since I’ve been straying all over the place with my topics so far, I decided to pull together a quick post that’s on-theme today.

FFXIV: Tales from the Jump Puzzle – With Bennett Foddy
Posted on August 15
On the first day of the Moonfire Faire, the fact that there is a jump puzzle to the event became a reality. Then, people came to know that there’s an easy version, which is all you need to complete the event, and a much, much harder version. The harder version doesn’t give you anything but bragging rights, and yet, so many people set out to defeat it.

FFXIV: Moonfire Faire 2018
Posted on August 14
Here we are, when it seems almost everyone else is talking about the launch of the WoW expansion, and I’m just chilling in the new FFXIV event — this year’s Moonfire Faire. There’s a lot of positive vibes coming off this event as far as I’ve seen. Or maybe it’s because the change to a larger, RP server really ramps up the community excitement way beyond what I’m used to seeing.

FFXIV: The Hunt Continues
Posted on August 13
Last week, I wrote about unlocking the Monster Hunter World collaboration event in FFXIV. It wasn’t until this weekend that we actually got to sit down and fight the Rathalos trial, however.

FFXIV: The Hunt Begins
Posted on August 10
The Monster Hunter crossover in FFXIV launched this week and the community in general has been going nuts over that cute little Palico up there. The minion was the one thing I really, really wanted out of the event, so thankfully, he’s not too hard to get.

FFXIV: Inventory Woes (House Moving Edition)
Posted on August 8
I noticed a number of folks writing about inventory management and woes with inventory systems this week for Blaugust, so I decided to chime in with an experience I recently had when moving my character to a new server in FFXIV. This character owned a FC room and a small house, which both were full of seasonal items and furniture.

FFXIV: Summer Excitement, Patch 4.36 Release!
Posted on August 7
While I’ve been caught up in the la-la land of Role Playing in FFXIV lately, other things are still going on in the game. Namely, Patch 4.36, which just released today, and the upcoming Moonfire Faire, which will launch next week.

FFXIV: Mateus Estate Obtained!
Posted on August 6
Over the weekend, I’ve found a new, maddening pet peeve in FFXIV.

FFXIV: Stepping Down as a FC Leader
Posted on August 4
I missed a day of Blaugust, but I had a pretty good reason for it. Since I don’t usually post on the weekends, I’ll make up for it today. There’s a lot to talk about.

Blaugust: Keep Your Finger Near the Print Screen Key
Posted on August 2
The first week of Blaugust is officially Topic Brainstorming Week. So I wanted to talk shortly about one way of generating ideas for your blog. While this seems to primarily focus on gaming blogs, this can carry over into real life, too, if you just keep your phone camera handy at all times.

Bl-August 2018 Gaming Goals
Posted on August 1
First, happy Blaugust everyone! It’s that time again — a new month means new goals to reach for!