July 2018 Archives

July 2018 Gaming Goals in Review
Posted on July 31
Another summer month has flown by at an incredible rate! This one has been kinda crazy for me as a lot of my gaming focus shifted attention to writing, music and role play. It’s been a rejuvenating experience in more ways than one. But, let me talk about goals instead!

Blogging: Importance of Voice & Choosing your Audience
Posted on July 27
It’s prep week for Blaugust Mentors, so I decided to sit down and write about something that’s been on my mind lately. Prep week focuses on giving some advice to new and upcoming bloggers — so you’ll see a lot of useful information about blogging platforms, choosing topics, consistently writing, picking your blog name/URL — very important stuff!

Hey, Listen! Blaugust is Reborn!
Posted on July 26
If you’re a reader of other blogs across our lovely blogosphere, you may have already heard the news on the wind: Next week, Blaugust is returning!

FFXIV: Live Letter – Patch 4.4 & Monster Hunter World Collaboration Info
Posted on July 16
Woke up this morning to a slew of information from the latest FFXIV Live Letter, summarized on Reddit. There’s certainly a lot of interesting things to see here!

FFXIV: Getting Goals Done
Posted on July 12
I’ve been a bit quiet blogging as of late, despite the exciting news that Blaugust is returning (a full post to come for that later). It’s not because I’m not writing… but just the opposite.

FFXIV: When Glamour is End Game
Posted on July 9
I know that things have seemed quiet around this blog, but the truth is, I’ve been anything but idle. I noted in my goals post that I’m working on a Camp NaNoWriMo challenge this month, and while the word goal is low, I’ve really been putting a lot into this project.

July 2018 Gaming Goals
Posted on July 2
Welcome to July! Hard to believe we’re smack dab in the middle of summer already! And it’s time to make some goals.