September 2018 Archives

FFXIV: Dragoon Level 70 & Doman Developments
Posted on September 26
I know that last month, I marked the goal of reaching Level 70 Dragoon as complete. This was because I thought that with just a few days of dedication to it, I’d have it leveled.

FFXIV 4.4 – Thoughts and Speculation on the Downfall of Allag
Posted on September 25
So, we pretty much got the bomb dropped on us regarding Ascian involvement in the Garlean Empire. I mean, we knew they were involved, just not to what extent.

FFXIV: Patch 4.4 Story Impressions
Posted on September 25
I know it’s been a while since I last posted something to this blog. Between the week of hurricane readiness and my trip to Las Vegas last week, it’s been a busy time for me. In fact, it was so busy that I didn’t get to finish FFXIV Patch 4.4 MSQ until last night.

Hurricane Florence Passes
Posted on September 17
It’s going to be a busy week for me with a trip coming up in two days, but I wanted to drop an update about seeing the other side of Hurricane Florence pass on through.

FFXIV 4.4 Preliminary Patch Notes Highlight
Posted on September 14
I’m off from work today, watching and waiting as Hurricane Florence slowly moves into our area. So far, power has held, but I know that won’t be for much longer. So I may as well try to blog about what made me excited by the 4.4 Patch Notes that were released today! Hopefully I’ll get to post this before things go down!

Hurricane Incoming
Posted on September 12
I’d wanted to write a bit about The Rising event in FFXIV this week, but never quite got around to it. People in my area have been bracing for the incoming storm, and it’s really been first and foremost in people’s minds right now.

FFXIV: Crazy Speed Leveling Weekend
Posted on September 4
Being off for a three day weekend (hope everyone who had some time off had a good one!), Syn and I were hitting FFXIV hard and heavy. Though I have a whole server full of unleveled alts, Syn doesn’t tend to roll and level alts — especially since you can be everything on one character in this game.