FFXIV: Building the Realm
Last night, one of my largest goals for this month was met. The major objective I wanted to achieve was to get Amon’s lowest level craft over the level 50 hurdle. This was the last crafter I need to level for him, and most importantly, it means that I get to put away the Ixali quests for good.
Not only did I finish that, but I also leveled his second highest job to 60. This means that this job can move into doing Namazu quests and the level 50 job can start Moogle quests. And that’s all I need to keep doing to finish up all my crafters on that character from here on out!

Again, the biggest part of this is the fact that I don’t have to do Ixali quests anymore. Now, I’m the type of person who can’t sit there and grind crafting leves for faster leveling. So I appreciate that Ixali quests exist.
However, I’ve been doing these quests almost every day for about half a year now as I leveled various crafting jobs from 15 to 50. Unlike Namazu quests, which you can usually complete in an easy 10 mins, Ixali quests are the old skool beast tribes. They can be quick, if you get the kill or fetch quests. But some of them send you to gather nodes.
Or worse… they send you to fish.
The RNG on the Ixali fishing quests is abysmal. There are days I could get the quest done in 5 casts… but that was very rare. There were days I had 20+ casts to get the fish I needed. And the worst one was being sent to fish in the Dragonhead Latrines… not just because you were fishing in latrines, but because this needs 3 fish in total and took more time. I literally groaned every day I got West for Fishing.
In fact, I was so glad to be done with these fishing quests that I deleted the Moth Pupa (the bait you use specifically for these Ixali quests) from my inventory when I hit 50 on my final job. Good riddance!

So, while I’m still not completely done with all the crafters, and there’s still some job quests I need to clean up, the most troublesome part is done. This is the second character I’ve worked to level an omnicrafter to 70 on. I’ve already bought all the yellow scrip gear for all of his jobs, and so end-game gear is waiting for the leveling to catch up.
Certainly won’t have any trouble getting this all done before the expansion comes out. Just in time to add another 10 levels to all the jobs! XD But that’s okay.
This also frees up a bunch of time for me to finally put towards my leveling goals for my main. I just need to stay motivated to keep working on that. Still plenty to do in this game, that’s for sure!