FFXIV: The Rising 2019
Seems like a lot of folks are off having fun in WoW Classic – hope it’s a good launch for you all! Not being much of a WoW player myself, I’m over in FFXIV enjoying this year’s anniversary event – The Rising.
What I love about The Rising is that it’s not just a game’s anniversary celebration. It’s often some sort of message from the devs – usually Yoshi P himself, and sometimes other members of the team. This year, we got some really heartfelt messages from various parts that make up the team, such as the sound folks, the visual folks and even the message board mods.
Spoilers ahead!
Some of these messages really struck a chord with me. Being a writer/creator myself, I understand the concept of putting your heart and soul into something to share with other people, even if they spend much less time looking at it than you did making it. This one particular note really got me:

Anyhow, happy Anniversary to FFXIV! I’m so glad to have been part of this journey, for going on six years! Very few games have had my sub for this long. I’ve got nothing but excitement for what’s coming.