FFXIV: Live Letter LVII – Patch 5.2 Info Roundup
This post is late, seeing the Live Letter happened almost five days ago, but life has been crazy in the final work week before the holidays. I get a vacation starting this weekend, and boy do I need it!
Anyhow, I just wanted to touch on the highlights of the Live Letter, which gave us a look at what’s coming in patch 5.2, and talked way too much about virtual butt sizes.
It’s a sad age when 10 minuets of broadcast has to go into discussing the technical aspects of why an outfit’s butt size wasn’t working as intended, was nerfed, only for it to be given back due to public outcry. It was pretty funny to watch Yoshi-P make butt shapes with his hands, however.

For those who are concerned, the B2 outfit butt size will be restored in patch 5.18 (releasing Dec 24). Merry Christmas!
Patch 5.2 – Echoes of a Fallen Star
So what can we expect from the upcoming patch – which is due to be out late February? Here’s a quick list:
- New MSQ story
- New Beast Tribes – for gathering only
- New Dungeon – Anamnesis Anyder
- New Trial – Ruby Weapon
- New 8-man Eden Raids – Eden’s Verse
- Relic Gear quests begin
- More Ishgard Restoration
- Diadem returns as gathering location for Restoration
- Further Crafting & Gathering updates – Especially Fisher
- New Tomestones
- Free Company rank increase (!)
- Groupable Deep Ocean Fishing (!)
- …Umbrellas (?)
This seems like a pretty wide variety of content, even if this is just the first glimpse of what we’re getting. I find it amazing that MSQ story is back on the list of exciting things in each major patch because we all want to know what’s going to happen next!
I’m super excited to see what the next phase of Ishgard Restoration with the Diadem will be like. Also the changes to fisher, including the deep ocean fishing sound amazing. I’m curious what perks the next Free Company rank increase will bring. I think this is the FIRST increase I can remember we’ve had since the game released!
The new dungeon looks a lot like something connected to Amaurot. As long as it kicks actual Amaurot out of the Expert Roulette, that’s all I care about. If I ever have to run that place again, it’ll be too soon.
They did note that from here on out, we’ll only be getting one dungeon per patch because the team is focusing on bringing out a variety of content. I know for some people that’s a bummer, but I don’t mind at all. Dungeon running is still not my preferred content, and if there was a better way to earn Tomes, I’d be doing it in a heartbeat.
If it gives us more variety per patch, I’m all for it. So far, this little sneak peek had a number of things I’m curious about. But really, why does the new beast tribe quests center around gathering? It’s so easy to level gathering as it is. And why umbrellas? What are the functions of umbrellas? I guess we’ll find out.
If you want more details about content of this Live Letter, check out this Google doc.