2019 Gaming Goals in Review
Welcome to the final day of 2019! It’s time to take a look back a the gaming goals I set at the beginning of this year and see how much I actually completed!
FFXIV – Housing
My first goal was to sit down and work on decorating housing for my Free Company and individual character rooms. Overall, I mostly made this happen.
I did decorate our FC house far better than it started. I also got individual themed rooms for my main, Amon, Zuri, Tai, and Koh completed. I still have a few more rooms I want to work on, with some ideas. I also still need to complete decorating my main’s house! I have ideas for that, too, it’s just taking time to plan it out and make it happen.
So, overall, I’m happy with the progress I made on this one.
FFXIV – Leveling
I completely blew this goal out of the water this year. I’d just gotten all my jobs to 50 at the beginning of this year. The hope was to get them to 60 by the end of this year.
Currently, all but one of my jobs is level 71! And that will be 71 tomorrow.

I think I did quite well with this one! 🙂
Steam – Play the Games I Buy
I actually did a good job of keeping up with this goal this year. I have played every game that I’ve bought, with the exception of one or two (one was a gifted game that I do have installed and intend to play). I haven’t bought a whole lot of Steam games in retrospect this year, so that helps too.
Steam- Play Over 60% of my Backlog
This one didn’t happen. BUT I did move it from 51% to 54% played. Any forward progress is progress right?

It also looks like I only added 11 games to my Steam list this year. I know at least one of them was an old Kickstarter finally coming to beta.
Switch – Backlog
On the flip side… I did awful here. Not only do I still have a lengthy backlog, but I’ve picked up more Switch games I haven’t started. I really want to buckle down on this next year!
So, overall, not too bad on my goals in 2019. I still have plenty I want to get done next year, so look for the new set of yearly goals tomorrow!