August 2019 Archives

Farewell Blaugust & August Gaming Goals
Posted on August 31, 2019
It’s the final day of August – we all made it through! I did write a summary of Blaugust and how I’ve successfully posted (including this post) every day this month. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to tackle that, but I did!

Blaugust 2019 – The Month in Review
Posted on August 30, 2019
I know that tomorrow is technically the last day of August, but I always post my monthly gaming goals outcome on the final day of the month. I’ll be drafting that up to go tomorrow as my last post for Blaugust.

FFXIV: Housing Furniture Preview Feature
Posted on August 29, 2019
One of the features that launched with Shadowbringers that I would have been more excited about had I known what it was… was the housing furniture preview. When they noted this back in some fan fest or live letter presentation, I remember asking, “What does that mean?”

Blaugust: Staying Motivated
Posted on August 28, 2019
Will you look at that – it’s the final few days of Blaugust! Wow, you’ve almost made it! And this week is Motivation Week. So I thought I’d write a bit about what motivates me.

FFXIV: The Rising 2019
Posted on August 27, 2019
Seems like a lot of folks are off having fun in WoW Classic – hope it’s a good launch for you all! Not being much of a WoW player myself, I’m over in FFXIV enjoying this year’s anniversary event – The Rising.

FFXIV: Making It Through Stormblood… Again
Posted on August 26, 2019
I currently have a lot of alts sitting at the start of Stormblood right now, and I’m struggling with the motivation to get them through. While I absolutely adore Shadowbringers, and I’m hyped to play through that on my alts, I’m trying to find a way to pace myself through the old expansions still.

Blaugust: RSS Feed Readers – The Big Switch
Posted on August 25, 2019
Yesterday I posted about using Reader to keep up with your content. So, what about blogs that aren’t part of WordPress that you’re interested in? That’s where the old fashioned RSS Feed Readers still serve well!

Blaugust: Let’s Talk About WordPress Reader
Posted on August 24, 2019
I do a lot of praising about Tumblr’s great dashboard because it’s a feature that is at the heart of the blogging environment. The platform does an amazing job at delivering other people’s content to you and encouraging people to share content around and recognize it.

FFXIV: Feature Appreciation – Mount Roulette
Posted on August 23, 2019
While I know this is supposed to be dev appreciation week for Blaugust, and I’ve written a post to that tune, let me also drop a feature appreciation post. FFXIV in particular is amazing about introducing quality of life updates with expansions and regular patches. Sometimes a feature starts out barebones, and then turns into something amazing as its fleshed out a few patches later.

Blaugust 2019: Value Yourself, Value Your Content
Posted on August 22, 2019
Do you guys mind if I get up on a soapbox today and discuss something that’s a bit of a pet peeve of mine? I want to talk about taking pride in what you do, and creating a sense of value around your blog’s content.

FFXIV: Cauldronfiend’s Scrip Gear
Posted on August 21, 2019
So when I first saw the Cauldronfiend’s set, I knew I had it have it for my RP alt. For reference, this is the Level 80 Alchemist White Scrip gear. While you can get White Scrips any time from crafting collectable turn-ins, it’s just easier to wait until the weekly turn-ins are available. I’ve looked at what’s needed to craft and the materials required, and I’ll just go the slow but steady way.

Dev Appreciation: S/E – The FFXIV Team
Posted on August 20, 2019
This is dev appreciation week at Blaugust, and it probably comes as no surprise that I’d write a post about my favorite MMO dev team at Square/Enix.

Being Social on WordPress: Turning on Likes and Reblogs
Posted on August 19, 2019
For better or worse, there’s long-been a movement towards using the quick and easy “Like” or heart button to acknowledge that you’ve seen something someone else has posted. On one hand, it’s nice to at least let someone know you stopped by to read, when you just didn’t have anything else to add to it other than “I agree!” On the other hand, even I fall into the trap of simply Liking something during my busy day.

Amazing World of Sketchbook Tours
Posted on August 18, 2019
I never knew that sketchbook tours were a thing until this past week. A friend from my FFXIV RP Tumblr circle posted a video of a sketchbook she developed alongside of her FFXIV-inspired webcomic, and I was amazed.

Automattic (WordPress) Acquires Tumblr, I’m Late to the Party
Posted on August 17, 2019
Somehow, some way, I the news of WordPress buying out Tumblr this past week completely flew by me (I realized I was not following the Staff Tumblr on my account, for one thing). I didn’t know anything about it until I was surfing my reader for the newest Blaugust posts and saw this one at Unidentified Signal Source – thanks for your write up!

Blaugust: Halfway Point Check-In
Posted on August 16, 2019
I consider today the halfway point for the month of August, so I decided to write a quick re-cap check-in on how I’ve been doing this month. So far, I’ve managed some sort of blog post every day for the past 16 days, which is more than I expected out of myself.

FFXIV: Using Stormshade for Screenshots
Posted on August 15, 2019
Maybe you’ve noticed that as of late, a number of the FFXIV screenshots I post here seem of better quality than the shots of yore. This is because I’ve been dabbling with a shader system made specifically for FFXIV called Stormshade.

FFXIV: Level 80 Carpenter!
Posted on August 14, 2019
Last night, thanks to a combination of scrip turn-ins and finishing up some leves, I finally reached my first level 80 crafter on my main – carpenter. I already have one level 80 crafter on my RP Alt – turns out that alchemist is pretty easy to zoom through with leves this time around. But that’s because it’s highly self-sufficient compared to many of the other crafting jobs I’ve messed with so far.

FFXIV: A Little Light Bird Farming
Posted on August 13, 2019
In yesterday’s post, I noted how I was going back (with the encouragement of my FC) and doing some of the older content that I passed by back in Heavensward. Namely, the Trial battles. After getting the normals cleared on Sunday night, Amoon, Syn and I messed around to see how easy it would be to farm Ravana.

FFXIV: Warring Triad & Clearing Old Content
Posted on August 12, 2019
It may (or may not) come as a surprise that when it comes to content in FFXIV, I pick and choose what I unlock. As a rule of thumb, if something isn’t required for me to progress through story or Expert roulette, I simply won’t do it. This was the case for the Warring Triad content.

FFXIV: Deepshadow Scale Mail of Casting
Posted on August 11, 2019
I’ve been trying to keep up with capping my weekly Tomes of Phantasmagoria — you know they’re reaching for names when they come up with something like that. While I’ve been successful the past couple of weeks, it’s not always been an easy thing.

Blaugust: Adding A Favicon to WordPress
Posted on August 10, 2019
One thing I noticed as I visited other blogs during Blaugust is that while many have a favicon, some do not. There was a time that adding an icon to a WordPress required a lot of fiddling, or a theme that accepted one. But now days, it’s as easy as finding a square 512×512 image and uploading it to the blog.

FFXIV: Moonfire Faire 2019
Posted on August 9, 2019
Wednesday launched FFXIV’s summer event – the Moonfire Faire. This is hosted at Costa del Sol and centers around fun on the beach with fireworks and an obstacle course.

FFXIV: Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LIII Highlights
Posted on August 8, 2019
So, yesterday we had a question/answers form of Live Letter with Yoshi P, where he answered things that people sent in. Some of the answers were pretty vague, simply due to the fact that it seems there will be more talk about Shadowbringers characters/stories at upcoming panels. Other questions asked for spoilers, or just things that couldn’t come about.

FFXIV: Second Soul of the Harvest
Posted on August 7, 2019
Last night, I finished up leveling Miner to 80 on my RP alt, which officially checked off my final goal for him for this month. I also earned him the Soul of the Harvest title. As I posted this weekend, I just earned this title on my main when I blew through leveling Fisher.

Blaugust 2019: Making Money by Blogging with WordAds
Posted on August 6, 2019
Once upon a time, there were a whole lot of folks who thought that blogging was the quick way to a work from home job. All it took was dedication, the right topics/audience, and the time to create quality content.

Blaugust Brainstorming – Using Gmail Tasks
Posted on August 5, 2019
It’s brainstorming week at Blaugust – and rather than tackle that big ole topic, I’d like to talk about jotting down ideas as they come to mind. Specifically, a tool I’ve taken to using myself – Tasks within Gmail.

FFXIV: Otherworld Angler – Level 80 Fisher Twice Over!
Posted on August 4, 2019
I started leveling fishing on Amon as just a side-thing on Thursday night. While it is part of my goals to level his fishing, I had no intentions on getting it to 80 in such a short time. It just… wasn’t very hard to do! Especially with the Crystarium turn-ins dedicated only to fishing. Finishing these turn-ins also nets you a pretty neat title!

FFXIV: Tales from the Duty Finder: Ascian in MY Expert? It’s more likely than you think!
Posted on August 3, 2019
Oh my. I didn’t expect to have one of these to write during Blaugust. But I suppose when you’re out there running content with other folks, it happens sometimes.

Blaugust 2019: Introducing This Blog
Posted on August 2, 2019
Greetings to those of you discovering my blog for the first time through the pulse of Blaugust! I spent some time going through the list of bloggers participating and adding folks to my Feed Reader and following via WordPress when I could.

Welcome Blaugust & August Gaming Goals
Posted on August 1, 2019
Welcome to the new month, and to the very first day of Blaugust! For anyone who doesn’t know already, this is a month that bloggers rally together to support blogging and their fellow bloggers, both new and old.