My stay in BDO seems to be a thing as I’ve been taking every advantage of the 30 days on the welcome-back server to do some leveling and work on my horse training/breeding.
Last night, I finally invested in a wagon so that I can train four horses at once. This is something I’ve been wanting to try for a while, and seeing I have more silver than I know what to do at this point, I straight up bought one.
And what do you know? The day after I did, they started an event that increases horse leveling. I’ll take it!

For a short bit, I was trying to level my Shai (who is now my main Aywren) to catch up with my ex-main in terms of battle and horse training. But then I discovered that the riding outfit I picked up for my ex-main (she’s now taken the name Zuri) long ago is bound to her and she has Professional level training.
So instead of trying to surpass that, I chose just to leave Zuri as my main trainer. This works as that means I never really need to level her beyond what she is now, or beyond 49 if I feel like I want to push her that far, and she’ll always be safe to AFK train without worry of PK.
My new Shai main just got her name switch today after maintenance.

It’s odd how BDO does name changes. You can roll another alt with the name you want and purchase a name switch – which does just that – switches the name between the two characters.
However, this doesn’t go into place until the game comes down for maintenance, which I find odd. So, I’ve been waiting for the name switch since last week, and finally it just happened during maintenance today!
I’m in love with my Shai and I’ve been working diligently on leveling her. Though, this is going far faster than I ever expected.
I logged in last night at level 27. I had a few hours to dedicate to leveling, and my hopes were to get her to 30 at least. By the end of the night, she’d skyrocketed to level 41 instead!! And I wasn’t working very hard to make that happen!
My goal has been to get my two new characters – Aywren and Amon – to at least 49 before I no longer have access to the Olvia servers. At this rate, I shouldn’t have any problem doing that, it seems.
Amon is sitting at level 21 right now. I invested in a nice costume for him because it’s everything that he needs to be in BDO.

Not to mention, I earned the Bard title. So while he can’t actually be a bard in this game, he can at least wear the title for it.

I know that in the higher levels things change in this game drastically. But for now, I’m just cruising through the main storyline (which I still find interesting even though it’s not well written) and leveling my horses AFK throughout the day.
Once I’m at 49.999, I’ll make my choices on what to do with my characters. I’m not sure that I’m that worried about battle life after 50 just yet. I’m also interested in looking at the Season Characters once the spring season opens up. It just depends on how much time I want to put into the game at that point.
Right now, I’m having fun with what I’m doing, though. Hoping to breed some T6 horses this week!