One of my unspoken goals for this month was to get my two newest characters – Aywren and Amon – to level 50 in BDO while I still have access to the Olvia server and all the boosts due to the account transfer.
The highest I’ve ever been in BDO was 34 on my Tamer – who is now regulated to my horse trainer and will remain under level 50 so that I don’t have to worry about PKs while training horses.
Last night, my Shai hit level 50!

She’s currently running around the big city Calpheon doing quests and learning about the world there. I’d made it to Calpheon before, many years back, but hadn’t really tried to explore or gather knowledge there yet. So this has been a fun experience.
In order to even level to 50, you have to accept and complete a quest (which is just using an item put in your inventory). This quest warns you that once you complete this and reach level 50, you will unlock open world PVP.

I have heard that there’s actually not all that much random PVP that happens in this game. Not being a fan of gank-PVP in general, I’m still giving this a try due to this. Mostly because I’m interested in seeing my Shai’s Awakening!
On top of that, it appears that my ideas of what BDO becomes after level 50 was skewed due to outdated information from back when I played it years ago. In my mind, I thought that there was nothing but constant grinding and struggle to upgrade gear after that point. It appears that maybe that was right… many years ago.
Huge thanks to Mailvaltar and Naithin for leaving so much good updated information in my comment section on the last post! This made choosing to progress to 50 and beyond a much more exciting prospect for me.
Indeed, the quests haven’t run out and I’m still doing what I did pretty much pre-level 50 — questing around, beating up monsters when directed and gathering knowledge of the world. I might need to adjust my goal for this month to see just how far I can get with what I have.
In the meantime, I’ve shifted back to leveling my archer, Amon. He was level 22 when I logged in last night and level 28 by the end of the night.

If he follows any of the patterns that my Shai did in her leveling curve, it shouldn’t be too difficult to reach 50 on him if I just have some time to dedicate to it. It may be even faster because I already know the quests and the objectives this time around.
I might venture out and work on leveling my Tamer up to 49 if I have the time. I also have a low-level Wizard at 17 that I can try to boost up. I heard Wizard is a strong class to play.
The thing with both of those characters is that they were rolled before the Remaster of the game, so it seems they’re still on the old questlines used at the game’s launch rather than the new more streamlined quests. I don’t know if there will be a spot where these quests merge eventually, but it feels a little more tedious when I was leveling my Wizard just to see how it works.
Anyhow, progress made and progress to be made! Good times!
*|* {February} *|* {2021} *|* {Black Desert Online} *|*