Now that it’s been a little over a week since I made a major change to my FFXIV main, I’m slowly starting to acclimate to it all. I know it seems weird that a change I’ve made willingly should “take time” to get used to, but it has.
I have been, however, feeling more motivated to play my main after the change. That was the goal, and I think it’s working as everything sinks in!
Though I don’t want to make this a post about goals, I have been taking a step back to look at what I’ve done and what I’d like to do before Endwalker drops in November. I have plenty of time at this point, so I’m in no rush.
I did finally finish the 5.55 MSQ on Ben last week. This week, I’ve started the long process of working on his gathering Relic tools. This is going to take a while.

While I have completed up to a certain non-shiny step of my crafting Relics, the expert crafting stopped me in my tracks months back. However, I’ve been looking at some video guides and have started back on weekly crafting turn-ins to pick back up where I left off with melding my crafting gear.
I also started the Hero’s Journey questline last night – this is the newest quest at the end of the role questlines in Shadowbringers. I’ve had this on my list for a while, but again, just didn’t have the motivation to work on it.
I knew that I had to complete the Warring Triad trials in order to start this questline – I have done that a while back – but I didn’t realize I needed to pick up the quests for the Extreme version of all of those, plus the one for Ravana EX. At first I freaked out a little thinking they wanted me to do the EX versions of all those trials, but it turns out that all of them except Ravana are just an unlock.
And Ravana EX unsynced is a joke now days. It took Syn and I 1:22 to clear it and he didn’t even get to a second phase. I need to go back and see if I can solo him for his bird. That’s the last bird I need to complete the set.
Anywho, this is where Ben is standing as of right now.

Here’s the things I’d like to do on my main before Endwalker:
- Finish Crystalline Mean Crafting/Gathering quests (just to clear them)
- Finish Gatherer Relics
- Upgrade Gatherer gear to newest script gear (probably need this to finish Relic) ✓
Meld crafting gear & figure out expert crafting- Level my poor, sad Blue Mage (Did this on my alt) ✓
- Werlyt series (Did this on my alt) ✓
- Clear Stormblood Trials (I skipped them last three) ✓
- Finish bird farm ✓
- Farm Shikaree’s Doublet ✓
- Finish Bozja Storyline
As you can see, some of these things I’ve already done, but just on another character (shame on me). So now I need to get back to giving my main the love he deserves instead.
That’s all I can think of at the moment. I’ll add to it as things come to me. This is all very do-able in the timeframe I have. I just need to stay motivated!
Spoiler picture!