Yesterday, the annual Moonfire Faire returned to Costa del Sol, this time bringing a bit of the arctic with it. I don’t know about you, but I could really use something cool just about now with as hot as it’s been outside lately.
The event that celebrates fun in the sun and battling off the bomb-like Bombards has brought us very cuddly and extremely cute polar bears as mounts this time around. I know it doesn’t make much sense going into it, but just do the quests and you’ll see.

The quest for the mount does require a FATE to complete. Compared to last year’s FATE, this one was really easy and quick to finish. It could just be that so many people doing it at one time made it a breeze and that once the population dwindles a bit, the FATE might become more lengthy. Not impossible, just longer to complete.
I’d suggest getting your character(s) out there this weekend to snag your prizes, though, just to be safe.

The rest of the quest is quick cutscenes for the most part and very little travel. In fact, waiting for the FATE to spawn is the longest part of the quest – another reason why I think the FATE might turn out to be a lot longer to beat once the number of people who are doing it drops a bit.
Of course, there’s fun to be had aside from the quest since folks tend to like to hang around on the island during the festivities. Getting a new mount also means it’s time to create towers or circles of said mount. That’s what happened last night as I took part in the bear tower.

There was also a polar bear parade that took place for a while where the bears slow-walked around the perimeter of the island on /follow mode. I ended up being the leader of this parade as people started to go off to do other things, and led it up until the end when everyone decided to disperse. It was great fun!

I know my characters are going to be hanging out there and taking in the fireworks as they normally do throughout the festival. Definitely don’t miss this one if you want to snag this cute mount!