October 2023 Archives

Posted on October 31
Palia is a cozy life-sim MMO game that’s currently in open beta. I did join back during the very tail end of closed beta because it sure sounds like the kind of game that I would absolutely love.

Posted on October 30
I’ve had my eye on The Tenants for a while, simply because it was a game published by Frozen District, who also published House Flipper. It also seemed like a game that would hit a lot of the right buttons for me. This turned out to be correct.

Placid Plastic Duck Simulator Halloween Event

Posted on October 26
Have I really never written about Placid Plastic Duck Simulator? I’ve been seriously slacking on my blogging, I know, but this is an outrage! Let’s fix that right now.

Second Life: Halloween 2023 Adventures

Posted on October 25
This is the time of year that I tend to return to Second Life and be the most active. The holidays are usually much fun in the virtual world, as you can just explore, shop and see all the creative decorations.

WordPress.com Embraces the Fediverse and Activity Pub

Posted on October 24
Since I’ve done my share of talking about things I disapprove of when it comes to WordPress.com, I feel it’s also fair to give them props when they do something good. Recently, WordPress.com has provided all users with a way to connect to the Fediverse and share their content with Activity Pub networks, such as Mastodon.

FFXIV: 2023 London Fan Fest Reveals and Thoughts

Posted on October 23
I’ve had a couple of days to think over the reveals that we got from this past weekend’s FFXIV London Fan Fest. Overall, my hype level is still pretty moderate because I’m just not fully sure what all this expansion is going to be offering in terms of story – which is my biggest focus. I think this is in part because they are keeping story concepts somewhat under wraps still.

Halloween Breyer Horses – They Glow in the Dark!

Posted on October 20
While I have only been collecting Breyer horse models for about half a year now, I made a point to collect as many of the Halloween limited editions as I could. Interestingly enough, previous year Halloween horses are often quite pricey on Ebay and in the resale market, sometimes even more than the Christmas horses.

Riding Back into Star Stable Online

Posted on October 13
Star Stable Online (SSO) is one of those MMOs that you can pick up and put down as you please. While there is a sort of MSQ type story that unfolds around events throughout the course of the game, I’ve never really paid a whole lot of attention, aside from just remembering NPCS, when I play.

Posted on October 9
No spoilers here, but I’ve completed the major content (MSQ and the Alliance Raid) for FFXIV as of last week. In fact, as of last weekend, I’ve finished the MSQ five times, in order to complete it on all the alts that are also at current MSQ ilvl.

Steam Gaming: Keeping Virtual Fish with Chillquarium

Posted on October 7
As of late, I’ve been having a lot of fun with “idle” games – games that let you check in on them from time to time, but mostly run on their own. Chillquarium is similar to the old-skool Fish Tycoon games, just without the punishment of fish death should you forget to check in on them.

FFXIV: Attending LunarCon 2023

Posted on October 6
Last weekend, I was able to attend many of the events at LunarCon. LunarCon is an annual in-game convention organized by dedicated players and carried out by volunteers across three days – Friday through Sunday.