February 2016 Archives

FFXIV: Reaching Goals, Finding Monk!
Posted on February 29
This past week, I spent a lot of time sick and at home. But not idle. In fact, it was a good week for knocking out a lot of short goals that I’d almost completed on Zuri.

FFXIV: Grandmaster of the Land
Posted on February 28
I know Zuri doesn’t look too pleased in this picture, but I was happy to finally finish leveling my last gathering class to 60 today!

FFXIV: Little Ladies’ Day
Posted on February 26
So, instead of a real blog, have a picture of Zuri in the new Little Ladies’ Day outfit.

My Gaming Style Revised Again
Posted on February 26
It’s been a while since I’ve last taken the Gaming Style quiz at Quantic Foundry.

FFXIV: Patch 3.2 Quality of Life Goodness
Posted on February 24
Syn and I finished the 3.2 Main Scenario quests on Zeb and Tai last night. I was pleased with the amount of story and the quality both, but I will save talking about that for another time.

FFXIV: Magnificent Mentorship… Or Not…
Posted on February 23
One of the first things I did this patch, after checking out the new hairstyles, was unlocking Zuri’s mentorship.

FFXIV: Fearless Gaming, Mentorship Goals, and Understanding Raiders
Posted on February 22
So the title is somewhat misleading as I haven’t actually gotten over all of my grouping anxieties completely. But, lately, I’ve been doing a lot of things I haven’t done in the past in FFXIV. This weekend was one of many accomplishments, both for personal goals and overcoming content with FC members.

FFXIV 3.2 Preliminary Patch Notes Highlights
Posted on February 19
So we got the release of the preliminary patch notes for FFXIV patch 3.2 today!

New Nintendo Accounts and Preregistration for Miitomo
Posted on February 18
I was never heavily into the whole Club Nintendo when it was around, even though I had a dusty long-forgotten account. Back in June 2015, Club Nintendo shut down, which was before my Wii U purchase and before I became re-invested in Nintendo products again.

FFXIV: 60 Fisher and Half a Dragoon
Posted on February 17
The weather don’t stop this fishing kitty!

FFXIV: Why Are Healers So Grouchy?
Posted on February 16
Disclaimer: I’ve played as a healer quite a bit the past month or so. This isn’t an article about getting down on healers, cuz I know they don’t have an easy job. This is just an observation piece.

FFXIV: Fishing Frenzy and Net Troubles
Posted on February 15
After reading a recent interview from Yoshi-P, where he’s confirmed that battle classes and crafting classes all get the same Mentor status, I decided to change my plans and focus on achieving what I needed to finish the crafting track. I’m far closer to those requirements than I am to 1000 dungeons and 300 commendations.

Wellness: Starting Wii Fit U
Posted on February 13
Back when the original Wii Fit was all the rage, it convinced me to purchase the Wii. It was tough to get your hands on one, so I ended up picking one up second hand.

FINAL FANTASY XIV Patch 3.2 – The Gears of Change Trailer (Hyped)
Posted on February 12
So the trailer just dropped today, and there’s a whole lot of hype building around the 3.2, coming in a few weeks. I have to say just the opening music (Atma Weapon theme!) for the Primal Sephirot was a great way to get me in a nostalgic mood.

FFXIV: Achieving Goals and Void Ark Woes
Posted on February 11
We’ve had a really rough week with Void Ark parties for some reason. I don’t know if people are just starting to get reckless, but it’s certainly been training my white mage skills.

BDO: Name Reservations
Posted on February 9
Black Desert Online’s name reservations are open. There were some issues with the site in the beginning, but I finally got mine reserved.

7D2D: 34 Days of Progression
Posted on February 9
This past weekend, the zombie hunting troop got the itch to continue our game in 7D2D. This was pretty much the same game that we’ve been playing all of alpha 13, and the first time we’ve made it as far as day 34 in a while.

FFXIV: Tanking, Healing and Everything In Between
Posted on February 8
This weekend I spent a significant amount of time bashing zombies in 7D2D, but I still got a good bit done in FFXIV, too. In fact, I’ve accomplished a number of my goals since I wrote my goal post a week ago.

FFXIV: Of White Mages and Love
Posted on February 5
So the first thing I did as a level 60 White Mage was try to gear up as much as I could to reach the ilvl 175 cap so I could run Void Ark as a healer.

FFXIV: Level 60 White Mage & Valentione’s Fun
Posted on February 4
After yesterday’s raid rant, I needed something warm and fuzzy to cheer me up about FFXIV, and that’s exactly what happened last night.

FFXIV: Rage Raid Rant
Posted on February 3
Can I rant for a short bit? You don’t mind? Okay, thanks!

Black Desert Online Releases March 3
Posted on February 2
That’s March 2nd for me, since I get a one day head start. And I’m not ready for it!

FFXIV: Grinding the Gears of Change
Posted on February 1
So, Saturday brought us the Letter from the Producer LIVE Part XXVII, information about FFXIV Patch 3.2 – Gears of Change, which is coming Feb 23. Here are my initial impressions of the patch from what we know, or at least, what’s most important to me.

FFXIV: Making the Hard Choice & Setting Goals
Posted on February 1
In March of last year, I wrote about my problem with alts in FFXIV. After the release of Heavensward, I feel like that problem got much, much more difficult for me.