May 2023 Archives
May 2023 Gaming Goals in Review

Posted on May 31
This has been a pretty busy gaming month for me, especially with FFXIV patch 6.4 dropping. I talked about how I did push through this on four different characters… I also took care of a lot of the goals I made this month – things I wanted to finish before the patch dropped.

Posted on May 30
I’m not sure what got into me over the weekend as I pushed through and finished the 6.4 MSQ on four different characters. This isn’t something I usually do on patch week, but I’m glad I got it done.

FFXIV: 6.4 Crafting/Gathering Frenzy!

Posted on May 24
I’ve never been geared enough to care about patch day 1 crafting and gathering in FFXIV. But since I pentamelded my first set of crafting gear, I figured I may as well explore what the new patch has to bring crafters.

FFXIV 6.4 Patch Notes Highlights

Posted on May 19
It’s that time again! The FFXIV 6.4 preliminary patch notes have dropped, and I’m taking some time looking over all the changes. Here, I’m highlighting things that jump out at me – your mileage may vary, of course.

Posted on May 17
If there was an award for the most indecisive FFXIV player, I would be up for it. Because the game gives players the power to do things like completely change race/gender/looks with one potion and to rename a character, this has contributed to the fact that I shift characters around at a whim.

Second Life: The Virtual Fishing Experience

Posted on May 16
I’ve spent plenty of time playing different Second Life games that advertise the earning of Linden dollars. Truth always is, none of these are a fast way to earn L$ as most of them are designed to be very time consuming. Still, some of these games are just more pleasant than others.

Nintendo Switch: Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster Challenge

Posted on May 12
One of the gifts I got for my birthday this past week was the Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster bundle for Nintendo Switch. I’ve been awaiting the release of this set of games – though I hadn’t thought to get them as a bundle until I realized you get a little bit of a price break by doing so.

Second Life: Getting Back into Breedable Pets

Posted on May 11
I’ve had the itch to get back into breedable pets in Second Life lately. It’s been years since I’ve been involved with breedables, and I just have the room and resources to put towards them at this point. However, I didn’t want to get into something that required too much of a cash investment, nor frustrating upkeep.

FFXIV: First Ever Pentamelded Gear!

Posted on May 3
Back in March, I talked about how I wanted to up my crafting game in FFXIV. So I have!

Posted on May 1
Welcome to May – the month of my birthday and of the next big FFXIV patch! I’m keeping goals somewhat low-key, despite what I managed to finish up last month, because of this larger patch at the end of the month.