Blaugust 2024: First Post of Blaugust
Posted on August 1, 2024 by Aywren
Welcome to Blaugust 2024 on Aywren’s Nook! I look forward to posting and seeing all the posts this year! One of the prompts this year is the “First Post of Blaugust” initiative, wherein we take a moment to open this month with an introduction of ourselves.
Like some folks, I’m not so great at writing about myself (I’d rather capture my experiences), but I do understand the need to break the ice, so to speak. So, here’s some things to know about me in a short and sweet bulleted list format:
- My net name is Aywren
- I’ve been a Blaugust mentor for a number of years now
- Though this particular blog celebrated its 10th year Blogiversary this year, I’ve blogged for many years before that, just on blogs that eventually went defunct or transformed into this – is this my final form? Who can tell!
- I moved away from blogging on WordPress in favor of coding my blog by hand in HTML and hosting it on my own terms. I’m a champion of oldskool personal websites.
- I’m a gamer, naturally, but my blog covers anything and everything in my geek life that I hope is of interest to others.
- My MMO of choice is FFXIV, which I’ve been playing for over 10 years now. I also enjoy RPGs, casual games, and survival crafting/adventure games.
- I play both fiddle and ukulele at a very basic skill level, and have created blog sections just for those topics.
- I’ve been getting into analogue things such as fountain pens, journaling and notebooks this year, so be on the lookout for some posts about those!
- I have loved horses since childhood, and while I do not have the opportunity to be around horses IRL, I enjoy collecting Breyer model horses (as well as horses in video games).
- I love crafting IRL, and dabble in crafts such as diamond painting, cross stitch and crochet.
My goal for this Blaugust is to write a post a day for the entire month, as I usually try to do. Whether or not I’ll be successful in that this year is hard to say – this has been quite the summer for me. I’m going to do my best, however!
Feel free to drop comments on any of my posts if you have questions, thoughts, or just want to chat! See you in Blaugust!