June 2016 Archives

FFXIV: Moogle Dance and Massive Minions
Posted on June 30
Last night Zuri reached the final rank of reputation with the Moogle beast tribe quests, which netted me a number of fun new toys…

June Goals in Review
Posted on June 29
Wow, where did this month go? How’d you do on your gaming goals for June?

FFXIV Fat Cat Plush
Posted on June 28
This cuteness just arrived in the mail today!

Steam Summer Sale 2016 – How Goes It?
Posted on June 28
So, Steam Summer Sale. Have you been able to withstand the temptation or have you gone all out this year?

Crud NaNoWriMo July 2016 – Shadows of Zot
Posted on June 27
Well, crud. Look what happened.

FFXIV: Adventures of the Kitty Dragoon
Posted on June 24
I don’t know what’s possessed me to continue upgrading Zuri’s Dragoon last night.

FFXIV: The Japanese Horror Story Continues!
Posted on June 23
A little over a year ago, I lauded the writers of FFXIV for a series of ongoing events that culminated in a pretty cool Japanese horror story in the game.

FFXIV: Weeping City of Mhach – Two Weeks Later
Posted on June 22
Two weeks ago, I wrote about the Weeping City of Mhach, the new 24-man dungeon that came out in Patch 3.3. Some time has passed, so I wanted to write an update on how these runs are going.

Going to FFXIV Fan Fest 2016!
Posted on June 21
So this happened today.

FFXIV: Alexander Midas, FC Growth and FFXIV Fan Fest 2016
Posted on June 20
Last weekend, our FC cleared some folks through A1-A4. This weekend, we cleared all of Alex Midas Normal.

FFXIV: Finishing 2.0 and Busting Down Goals
Posted on June 18
Last night, Zeb, I and a kind FC member, Star, helped Xaa and Vix through the final dungeon of 2.0, where they saw the credits roll and have officially “beat” the original ARR.

E3 Thoughts: Nintendo, Zelda, Ever Oasis
Posted on June 16
I’m not a huge follower of E3, simply because I’m not into the console gaming like some folks. The only console I own (if you don’t count the 3DS) is a Wii U, and that’s not even a year old yet. So the major interest I had in E3 was seeing the reveal of the new Legend of Zelda.

FFXIV: Original White Fat Chocobo Mount
Posted on June 15
Got my codes from the FFXIV Amazon summer promotion today.

FFXIV Amazon Summer Promotion
Posted on June 14
We’ve heard murmurings of this summer campaign on fan sites and Reddit, but now it’s officially released.

FFXIV: Moogle Beast Tribe Quests & Crafting Progress
Posted on June 14
Thank goodness for Moogle Beast Tribe quests. No, really. This was something I didn’t even know that I needed until it was here.

FFXIV: Alexander Gordias & The Aquapolis
Posted on June 13
It’s been a pretty eventful weekend for our FC, KoM, as we decided to work some of our members through all of Alex Gordias (Normal) for the first time this weekend.

FFXIV: Screenshot Sunday
Posted on June 12
Zuri, Xaa and Vix on our new FC Moogle couch!

FFXIV: Wiping City Clear
Posted on June 11
Finally got my first clear on Wiping City on Zuri (but not on Tai). I actually won the roll for those gloves, too, I was surprised because I was in a party with two other Bards and I rolled a 12. I guess neither of them needed gloves, so I got the loot for the week, thankfully. I really didn’t want to have to run that again this week.

FFXIV: Tai’s New Look
Posted on June 9
As expected, I’ve gone back to playing Tai for the new patch and a round at gearing up and clearing content.

FFXIV: Final Steps of Faith Down!
Posted on June 9
Last night, a group from my Free Company, KoM, downed the final boss of the Dragonsong War in the Final Steps of Faith.

FFXIV: The Wiping City of Mhach
Posted on June 8
I’m a little torn on my feelings for the Wiping City of Mhach 24 man raid that came out last night in patch 3.3. I’ll get around to talking about feelings in a while, but let’s go into my first experience with the raid.

NBI2016 – A Gamer is Born
Posted on June 6
Growing up in the 80s, I didn’t have a cell phone or PC or game console. Those things either didn’t exist or didn’t exist in the capacity they do now.

FFXIV: T2 Bard Relic Get!
Posted on June 4
It’s only taken me half a year or so, but I finally finished the dungeon running for the Animated Berimbau.

FFXIV: Patch 3.3 Notes Highlights (IMHO)
Posted on June 3
As always, I’m taking a moment to highlight the things that excite or confuse me from the newest preliminary patch notes.

Stardew Valley: First Fall
Posted on June 2
My first fall in Stardew Valley arrives, and everything turns shades of gold, as expected.

NBI 2016: To Niche or Not To Niche
Posted on June 1
Though this blog is only a few years old, I’ve been blogging a whole lot longer than that. Back when everyone seemed to want a piece of the Problogging pie, and folks imagined making money was as easy as throwing up some ads and posting a few times a week, one buzzword you heard thrown around a lot was “niche blogging.”

June Gaming Goals
Posted on June 1
Welcome to June! Here’s what I have on my plate for this month. Looking forward to the FFXIV patch 3.3 for one.